The average house price on CHEYHAM GARDENS is £880,141
The most expensive house in the street is 7 CHEYHAM GARDENS with an estimated value of £1,624,658
The cheapest house in the street is 9 CHEYHAM GARDENS with an estimated value of £581,709
The house which was most recently sold was 5 CHEYHAM GARDENS, this sold on 23 Oct 2017 for £560,000
The postcode for CHEYHAM GARDENS is SM2 7NH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 CHEYHAM GARDENS Detached £950,884 £650,000 10 Jun 2015
4 CHEYHAM GARDENS Detached , 109 m2 £861,433 £540,000 27 Feb 2014
5 CHEYHAM GARDENS Detached , 100 m2 £711,952 £560,000 23 Oct 2017
6 CHEYHAM GARDENS Detached £749,783 £475,000 7 Feb 2008
7 CHEYHAM GARDENS Detached , 352 m2 £1,624,658 £953,000 9 Nov 2012
9 CHEYHAM GARDENS Detached £581,709 £315,000 24 Aug 2005
10 CHEYHAM GARDENS Detached , 123 m2 £843,814 £485,000 6 May 2011
11 CHEYHAM GARDENS Detached £716,901 £440,000 21 Mar 2007